Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Ditch Your Ugly Tattoo

Remember that tattoo you got on your 18th birthday? The one that you thought you'd always like and you'd always love. Well, if you aren't so in love with that tattoo anymore, you're in luck. Atlanta Dermatology and Laser Surgery is proud to offer Laser Tattoo Removal. With over 18 years experience in this procedure, the experts at Atlanta Dermatology and Laser Surgery offer the best care for your skin and the best results.
The Tattoo Removal procedure works by sending intense beams of light into the skin to target the ink and help remove and lighten the appereance of your unwanted tattoo. When the ink particles of your tattoo absorb the light from the tattoo laser, they are broken up into tiny fragments. These fragments are then absorbed through your body's natural cleansing mechanism.
Patients can often start seeing their tattoo start to change and lighten up after a few treatments, but most patients need 6-10 treatments to fully see their tattoo disappear. The amount of tattoo removal treatments needed is dependent upon each patient. Treatment amounts vary based on size, depth and color of your tattoo. Tattoo removal treatments are usually performed every 6 weeks.
Before the treatment, patients are injected with a local anesthetic, this helps minimize any discomfort that patients might feel during their treatment. Most treatments can take anywhere from 5 minutes to 30 minutes, depending upon the size of the tattoo.
Right now is the perfect time to ditch your ugly tattoo and say hello to beautiful clear skin. For more information or to schedule a free consultation call Atlanta Dermatology and Laser Surgery at (404) 296-8000 or visit our website.