Thursday, July 12, 2012

Say Goodbye to Getting Old

You can run, you can hide... but eventually aging is going to catch up with each and every one of us (even ME... I can't believe I actually admitted that). With aging comes wrinkles and they always dreaded... loose, saggy skin. This is due to the fact that as we age, we start losing collagen, which helps keep our skin looking youthful. 

However, thanks to technology there have been new ways to help us restore our youthful appearance. This is made possible with one of my favorite treatments offered at Atlanta Dermatology and Laser Surgery, Exilis.

Exilis is an FDA approved device that offers a non-surgical solution using radio frequency (RF) energy for fat reduction and tissue tightening anywhere on the body. The thermal energy from the Exilis treatment speeds up metabolic activity of the fat cells causing them to shrink and stimulates and strengthens the collagen network which improves skin laxity and texture.

Both men and women are getting amazing results in areas including: the love handles, breasts, abdomen, face, jowls, neckline, arms, hips, thighs and knees.

For best results we recommend a minimum of four treatments, each treatment should be between 7-10 days apart. Results from Exilis are gradual, many patients will see some change after a few treatments, but it may take 2-4 months to see the best results.

Exilis treatments are simple and as quick as 30-45 minutes depending upon the size of the area. Our patients love Exilis because there is no-downtime, no anesthesia, no numbing cream, no after care and it provides progressive results that last.

For more information on Exilis or to schedule your free consultation call our office at (404) 296-8000 or visit our website. It's time to say goodbye to your troublesome spots and beat out aging with Exilis.

--Mackenzie, Marketing Manager

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